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Anna Knipe


Anna Knipe is a teen girl living in South Africa as a missionary kid. Accepting Jesus into her heart at a young age, Anna has a passion for God! She strives to use any gifts she has in service to her Savior, including writing.
Ever since she was young, Anna has had a love for words. If she isn't curled up with coffee and a book, you may find her gazing up at the stars while dreaming up fanciful stories. Medieval and historical fiction are her primary genres, but she also dabbles in poetry and Christian contemporary. Anna hopes to publish one day, using this blog as an outlet for both non-fiction and occasionally bits and pieces of her books.
In addition to writing, Anna enjoys music! She has been playing the violin for six years and the piano for almost three. In the future, her desire is to form a music-based career, whether by teaching music or playing professionally. 
Anna loves meeting new people, and if you would like to chat with her personally, feel free to email her at!

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